About Me

My photo
Im a sweet girl who loves all things cute. I am a DIY goddess when im not making something crafty i spend my time loving my husband and kicking butt in butt on the ps3.I really want to travel and possibly live on a boat...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eye Shadows. and a bit of eyebrows

I love eyeshadow. SO here is some pictures of different ways to wear eyeshadow. please note. none of these pictures belong to me and i do not claim them. if you are the owner please write me, i will add your name under the picture. These are just for fun. to get your creative juices flowing. 

Note. if you want more of a POP of color apply WHITE eye shadow before applying the colors you want to use.

                                                    My favorite shades.. pinks whites purples blues

Blending is Key here. Anyone can make their eyes look like these. For the zebra and leper use a black liquid eyeliner to draw spots or lines. .. any picture you'd like really. Have fun with it.

I change my eye brows alot now days. this chart is just a little bit of the different shapes you can do. Explore and try something new! If you dont want to shave off your eye brows but you do want to try something new you can use Elmers glue stick  and cover your eye brow with it.. so that the hairs are all layin the same way. let the glue dry.. add some more if your eyebrows are thick.. let dry.. cover with powder that matches your skin tone and draw on your new eyebrows. Alot of people do this. it really works. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Banana mask

Bananas are high in  Vitamin C, A, B6 and B12 and they  contain potassium and magnesium. The fruit acids in bananas help remove  dead skin and make you look younger and more refreshed!

You can apply squished bananas onto your face by themselves or add them to a oatmeal mask!

you need
yup that's all.

rub onto face in a circular motion and apply evenly.
leave on for 15-20 mins and wash off.

oatmeal face mask

if you have oily skin this oatmeal mask is just for you.
plus it is great for acne.

You Need:
1 cup of  crushed oatmeal.
4 table spoon of honey
1 egg yolk. (optional)

Get some good old fashioned oatmeal. Blend it in a blender or crush it by hand until it is powder like. you don't need all of it to be powder just most.
Take a bit of honey (i use 2 McDonald's honey packets) and add your egg yolk.
blend it together.

it should be a paste like not too runny but not thick either. if it is too thick just add a bit of water.
Using clean fingers apply it to a CLEAN FACE.
leave on 20 mins
wash off with warm water
you will feel that your skin is tighter and refreshed.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Body Wax?

So, I cut myself shaving the other day and decided on trying something new. I wanted to remove my body hair but i didn't want too much hassle and it had to be cheap. I started googling different methods and i came upon the SUGAR WAX. I'm not going to lie, the first thought in my head was "OUCH! NO WAY NOT WAXING" but then I read on and the crafty side of my brain told me to at least try it.
So i made my own tonight and it works.

You need:
Lemon juice
Microwave bowl OR Oven and a  Pot

Depending on how much you make is up to you. I made enough to fill an empty baby jar tonight for testing it. (it was enough to do both my arms and upper lip)

I used about 1/2 cup of sugar
1&1/2 cup water
1/2 cup lemon juice
10 mins in microwave

 didn't take measurements, i had alittle bit of lemon juice left and i just winged it.
lucky me it came out perfect.

If you want to use it on your legs Just double the amount. 
Like i said I was just testing to see if `i liked it.

To take the wax off you use a cloth. oh and i burned my arm real good because i thought it was warm enough and it wasn't...

SO there you go. the sugar wax works
and if you are in the mood for lollipops add some strawberry juice in place of the lemon juice. :P

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Home made Make up

                                       Lip Gloss

.Everyone wears some kind of lip gloss. Be it plain old Vaseline or chap stick, sometime in your life you will wear lip gloss. Why not make your own? It is easy,cheap and fun!
Plus it will save you money in the long run if you are like me and wear it all the time.

You will need:
Lipstick or Eyeshadow
Empty container (you can re use your old lip gloss/eyeshadow container)
Stir Stick
butter knife

First get out the color lipstick/eyeshadow you want to use.
 Cut a little bit off the top and put it into your container. you don't need lipstick eyeshadow will make the color too.
(if your container isn't microwave safe use a small plate,bowl etc.)
take a bit of Vaseline and add it to the container.
  (if you are using eyeshadow mix now.)

Put the container in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Watch it as some microwaves melt the lipstick faster.
when it is melted take it out.
You can add some baby blue eyeshadow into this to make your teeth appear whiter, stir it in well so you cant see the blue.

Let Cool and Wear.
(Yes i am sitting on my toilet. I made my lipgloss and went into the bathroom  to apply it cuz it has the best mirror..
Silly husband.. took my picture ... ) Sometimes you need to laugh at yourself. <3
You Can use Kool-Aid to add some flavor to your lip gloss but don't use alot as it can change the
color of your lip gloss.
Cream EyeShadow

If you have a matte powder eyeshadow and you want a cream shadow this is very easy and quick..

You Need:
Empty Container
Stir stick
Lotion. (use non scented or something with a very light scent.)

Take the lotion and put it in your container. The amount of Lotion you add is up to you depending on how much cream shadow you want. (the more lotion=more eyeshadow to use)

Add a bit of Eyeshadow
If you don't like how light the color is just add more pigment until you get the color you like.
You can mix and match too.
(this is not water proof)

Nail Polish Color.

I love wearing bright bright nail polish. It sucks for me though because the cool colors usually cost 5-7 dollars a bottle. I don't have money to spend like that. So I make my own.
It isn't as hard as you think and instead of paying 5-7 dollars i pay about 1-2 dollars a bottle.

You Need.
Clear Nail Polish (dollar stores sell them)
Powder EyeShadow
A funnel
a nail file or butter knife
metal bee bees (optional)

First take your  funnel and stick it into your clear nail polish bottle.

Then take the bee bee and put one or two into the bottle (it helps stir the color in when you shake it)

Take your nail file or butter knife and scrap the eyeshadow into the bottle.
make sure it is going down the funnel. use as much pigment as you think necessary, color will be darker with more pigment and lighter with less.

Put the lid back on your nail polish and Shake it up.
if you have the bee bees in it you'll hear it shaking.

Congrats you just made your own nail polish color.

To make Glitter Nail Polish.
Instead of EyeShadow use Glitter
 Glitter can be bought in dollar stores.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Some more skin care how to's

                                                              Carrot Scrub
you need some carrots or carrot juice
you can blend carrots in a blender to make the carrot juice.
salt (if you have oily skin only)
brown sugar (for normal or dry skin only)
honey (you can get a honey packet from McDonald's or something)

mix  about a cup of your sugar or salt in a bowl
with the tea spoon or packet of honey mix 
add your half cup of carrot juice
clean your face
take a paper towel and apply in a circular motion on your face.
you wanna get the dead skin off.
wash off.
after you wash it off your skin will be shiny and smooth.
if you plan on going into the sun remember to wear sun screen because this scrub can make you burn faster without it.

carrots are good for both your skin and body so drink a glass once in a while your body will thank you.

                    Pore Strips

Okay we all get it. black heads.. ewww Gross.
even if you you wash your face twice a day you can still get black heads.
it comes from make up , stress, etc.
But pore strips can cost alot so why not make them yourself?

you need:
unflavored gelatine
a glass or cup
tooth brush or paint brush or make up brush

Mix 1 table spoon of the gelatine
1 table spoon of milk
stir until it look chunky
place in microwave for 10 seconds
take your brush and apply it to your nose or where ever
you want. (i apply to my nose and chin)
let it harden and then peel it off.

it is actually better for your skin then the store bought pore strips
since  they have glue in them and this is natural.

       Hair Remover Wax made from Honey and Sugar

okay so i dropped my tweezers down the sink and i had a job interview. i didn't wanna just shave off my eyebrows again because well.. last time i shaved half of it off and i wasn't gonna risk it.
So i searched the Internet and found this niffy concoction

you need.
Brown sugar (white sugar works too)
Honey  (use a lil packet of honey from McDonalds if you want)
Lemon (optional)
Pop cycle stick or something,

For your eye brows , upper lip or Arm Pits
you need to add
2 tsp brown sugar  with 1 tsp of honey 1 tsp of water
into a bowl and mix together.
put in the microwave for 15 seconds. you know its done when it is boiling.
let cool for a few mins or you will burn your face, OUCH
clean your face.
apply with a  pop cycle stick and let sit for a min or so.
pull off in the same direction as your eyebrows grow . if you don't you can get in grown hairs and that will suck.
it will hurt but your face wont be as red and it will be smooth and hair free.

For Legs , Arms
2 cups of brown sugar with   1/4 cup of lemon juice 1/4 cup of water
mix together in a small pot and put on a pre heated burner
it may take about 30- 40 seconds to boil  keep and eye on it
when it boils its done.
let cool
apply with pop cycle stick
pull off.
   Green Tea Toner and Anti Puffy eyes
I love green tea. It is healthy and does wonders for the body. and Like most things good for the body it is great for your skin too!

For the toner just make some green tea
and store it in a cute jar or spray bottle.

To use it to get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles
make your tea and use a cotton pad to dab it around your eyes.
you can make the cotton pads with the tea already on them and leave them in
the fridge so you wont have to make one every day.
if you use it for dark circles it will take about 7-8 days before they will be gone but through out the week you will notice the difference.
it will instantly make that red puffy eye disappear !!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Home Made Face Products From Things in the Kitchen

Great tips for Do it yourself face masks and scrubs. These are healthy for your skin and can be made with items right out of your house!
Its good for your face to give it some love once in a while. I know you're thinking "but i use my face scrubs and masks from the store already?" good. but what if you just ran out and you NEED to wash your face. Or maybe you break out with pimples alot and want to try something new?
Try These

                                            Egg Mask
 Perfect for oily skin. It helps you look younger and makes your skin feel
egg yolks are so good and rich for your skin is because they are loaded with Vitamin A!  Protein and nutrients! That is some good stuff. 

You can use both parts of the egg for 2 different things.
the egg white is the mask.

Take the egg and rock it back and fourth over your bowl untill you have the yolk and whites seperated.
Using your clean fingers or a clean make up brush apply the whites on to a freashly washed face.
leave on for about 5-10 mins you will know its time to take it off when your face is hard and you cant smile.

The Yolk can be used as a moisturizer for dry skin!
best part? it dosnt cog your pores (atleast not for me)

                                                          Rice Mask and Toner

        I love rice. Its good for your health and your skin. It contains a butt load of vitimans and makes your skin feel young and clean.

                                                         for the rice mask.
  Take a bowl or a cup and fill it with a hand full of organic rice. You dont want to use processed rice because it has acid and chemicals in it that can harm your skin.
fill the bowl/cup with warm water and let sit for 5 mins to cool.
Now you can take out the rice and cook it while you pamper yourself.
but keep the rice water because that is our tool.
Dip a paper towel into the water and wipe it all over your face. I find it easier to just soak the paper towel in rice water and cover my fave with the wet paper towel for a few mins.
then wash your face with water. no soap is needed.
wont clog pores.
                                                                  Rice Toner
         Take your left over rice water and pour it into a spary bottle or a jar with a lid.
                             it makes a great toner under your make up.

                                                              Aspirin Mask 
Aspirin is made out of salicylic acid also known as Beta Hydroxy Acida lots of face care products have aspirin in them. It can be used as pimple mask too .use non - coated aspirin.
                                          You need honey for this also.

Take 3 or 4 aspirins and place them in a smal bowl and squish them into powder (you can just let them disovle to but im not that patient)
take a tea spoon of water and add it to yout mixture.
add a dab of honey and mix together.

now apply to your face and chill for 10- 15 mins.
wash off.
it will help reduce the redness of your skin and make it shiny and smooth.
dont use more than 2 time a week tho.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mask , Scrub, and Make up Remover

I love extra virgin olive oil, I use it everyday an my skin has never been so happy.
It can be used alone to take off make up, (very good for dry skin)
i only need a dab or so on a paper towel to remove a whole face of make up.
For thick eyeliner and eye shadow use a bit more than a dab and just wipe off. it comes right off no scrubbing needed. Best of all its great for the pores and skin!

Use as mask by applying a dine size amount of olive oil on your face and rub in.
your fave will feel slimy at first but as you rub it in it will go away
leave on 5 to 10 mins and wash off.
but you dont have to wash it off as its good for mositurizing.

It can also be used as a hot oil treatment/conditionar for dry damanged hair.
take a lil olive oil and put it in the mirowave for about 30 secs
let cool if too hot
apply to dry hair.
you can leave it in or wash it out after a few mins.

Add sugar in a small cup or bowl with some olive oil and use it as a face,lip scrub.
it will look like this.

take your finger and rub it in a circluar motion it its great for removing dead skin.
also use on your chaped lips to make them smooth.
wash off
You can store this in a bottle for a long time because sugar and olive oil dosen't really expire.


Web Sites you should visit

A list of my Fave websites. Some of them are shops others are craft sites and some are just plain cool.
                                                        So check them out !!

                                Hahaha thats just for some random fun.

cutoutandkeep.net/ craft site/how to/chat

etsy.com handmade shops
http://www.fyeahlolita.com/p/lolita-tutorials.html lolita site
whatthecraft.com craft site
http://www.craftster.org/ craft site
http://www.sewing.org/ - Family crafts,childrens toys etc.
http://www.humanesociety.org/ - save the animals
http://www.ultrakawaii.com/ extra freaking cute animals
diynetwork.com home improvement made easy
lxcrafters.com - my craft group. join up meet great friends

Blogs from my friends.

More websites to visit. (cuz im a noob at this blogging stuff and cant insert it up top)

dollar store crafts
cheap family Crafts

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Must have Craft Supplys

I know not everyone is into the same things. But if you ever want to make something that says "THIS IS ME!!!!! HEAR ME ROAR!!!" You need supplies. This is My basic List. Everything on this list can be used to make things that will be in my how-to section.
  • Sewing needles, threads of all different sizes and colors
  • fabric of all different sizes colors. old t shirts work well.
  • hot glue gun, elmers glue,tape
  • Stickers
  • Paper of all differnt colors and prints
  • beads, LOTS OF BEADS
  • ribbons
  • safety pins and paper clips
  •  screws and nails
  • paint
  • shells
  • hemp,string,rope,
  • elastic
  • sissors
  • tape measure
  • buttons
Dont forget to think outside the box. Along with all that stuff I also have things i find along the road, things my family friends give me, anything can be used. I bet you have almost everything on my list already.

My Faviorte Places

Im not made of money. My money tree never grew and when I went to get a refund for the dud bulb the cashire laughed. So, for me there is no mall shoping (well maybe a little) instead I go to these stores on the daily to find great deals on everything I need in my life.
To really be able to DIY you will need supplies. Things like buttons,ribbon glue,needles thread, etc. These things can get expensive if you dont look for the cheapest places to buy. Here is my list of best places for great deals on everything you could possilby craft with.

  • Wal-Mart - We all go there. Even top class rich folk still shop at walmart once in a while the prices are decent and there is always enough to chose from.
  • Dollar Tree - Every thing is a BUCK. what more could be better? maybe free but lets face it nothing is free anymore. Dollar Tree has a decent size craft section as well as everything from house hold items to clothing.
  • GoodWill - Yes I said it. There is nothing wrong with shoping at goodwill. You never know what you will find there and at a low price! Best part? You get what you need and they give money to charties.
  • Sallys Beauty Supply - Every thing for your hair. (I love my hair extentions)
  • Michaels - They have a ton to choose from for art but sometimes it is over priced. It is worth it if you've gone everywhere else and still cant find what you're looking for though.
  • Esty.com -  Home of the Hand made goodies. Esty.com has a million sellers selling everything vintage and one of a kind.
  • Yard Sales - Sometimes another persons trash really is another persons treasure. I LOVE YARD SALES.
There is also some other sites you can go to that have free goodies.
  • Craigslist.com - okay , be safe dont go into a strangers home but for real this site can have anything. Its like a internet goodwill , with a free section.
  • Free Cycle -  Im not familur with this one but I do know a ton of people who use it and say it is well worth checkin into.
Ok so you've been to all these stores and websites but still cant find a thing. (It happens to me)
Do this. JOIN A CRAFT GROUP.  There is a ton of people just like me and you who love to be crafy. I am in a craft group on facebook and the swaps never end. It is a great way to get one of a kind things for your projects or just meet friends!

Up-Do EveryThing

Have you ever seen something really really sweet? Something so pretty that it screams "TAKE ME HOME!!!!" So do I. The problem is when I glance over a bit to the price tag. Usually the screaming items can be more expensive the you would hope and when that happens I let out a long depressing sigh and go home without it.  ...  
I go home without it BUT with a bit of thinking and some basic craftiness (IS THAT EVEN A WORD?) I make myself that item in the store window.

It isn't hard to do once you learn some basic skills.

in most cases you will need to know

  •  basic sewing
  •  how to use a hot glue gun
  •  how to think outside the box
I do alot of DIY crafts.Hell in this economy you kind have to know how to change something you already own into something new and usefull. This is going to be A webpage for all things Luna.
I hope you enjoy and make something pretty!!!!